The Premier Chaturbate Experience

More than 8,544,073 hours of video of 16,115 Chaturbate performers

We want to make it easy for performers to remove videos which they do not want available publicly, therefore we will honor all valid DMCA claims.

In order to report a series of videos you MUST be the copyright owner or an authorized agent of said content.

We will review each takedown request manually and take down the videos from Recordbate.

Incorrect, invalid, or reports written in any other language besides English will be ignored.

Please, conform with the DMCA law in order to get the videos taken down quickly.


Please use the owner's name; stage or artistic names are not valid.
Write a valid email, just in case we need to contact you back.
This is usually the performer's profile page
Enter the full real name of the person making the copyright report, this will be used as your digital signature, do not use stage or artistic names as those are invalid.
Enter the date at which the copyright claim is being made, in the US MM/DD/YYYY format.

Please write down the list of FULL URLs of the reported copyright content, write one on each line, you can report up to 100 URLs at a time